Apache HTTP 服务器版本 2.4
描述 | 多处理模块,实现了一个专门为 Novell NetWare 优化的纯线程 Web 服务器 |
状态 | MPM |
模块标识符 | mpm_netware_module |
源文件 | mpm_netware.c |
此多处理模块 (MPM) 实现了一个专门为 Novell NetWare 优化的纯线程 Web 服务器。
主线程负责启动子工作线程,这些线程监听连接并在连接到达时提供服务。Apache HTTP 服务器始终尝试维护多个 备用 或空闲的工作线程,这些线程随时准备为传入请求提供服务。这样,客户端就不需要等待新的子线程生成才能为其请求提供服务。
The StartThreads
, MinSpareThreads
, MaxSpareThreads
, and MaxThreads
regulate how the main thread creates worker threads to serve requests. In general, Apache httpd is very self-regulating, so most sites do not need to adjust these directives from their default values. Sites with limited memory may need to decrease MaxThreads
to keep the server from thrashing (spawning and terminating idle threads). More information about tuning process creation is provided in the performance hints documentation.
controls how frequently the server recycles processes by killing old ones and launching new ones. On the NetWare OS it is highly recommended that this directive remain set to 0. This allows worker threads to continue servicing requests indefinitely.